Primal Vegetable Recipes

Friday, March 15, 2013

Shop at Local Farms

When I wrote a couple of days ago about Pastured Eggs, I included a couple of links at the bottom for and  I checked those websites for farms around my area here in SW Georgia and found one that sounded interesting.

the farm stand in summer
Rose Paradise Farm  It's not real close, maybe 25 miles, so I'd have to weigh the cost of gas against the value of fresh produce and eggs. But today I had to drive over that way anyway and decided to take a nice country drive and check out Rose Paradise Farm.

Michael and Natalya
cutting collards

It's not a big operation. The owner Natalya came out to meet me in the driveway.  After telling her what I wanted to buy, she cut the greens while I stood there talking to her, and she stuffed a grocery bag full for $1!  She said they try to give good value for the money. And I think I got a good deal.

Large pastured eggs, from a heritage breed of chickens that live on the field in a moveable coop, are $3/dozen, so I got 4 dozen! (With the Primal diet, eggs are a "superfood" -- you can eat a lot!)

Yay, what I saved on eggs (they are $5.29 at Fresh Market) more than paid for the gas.

Here's what I got for $16: 4 dozen eggs (just 1 dozen eggs in the picture, two grocery bags stuffed with collards, 4 heads of romaine lettuce and about 1/2 bag of rainbow chard. Natalya also sells home canned preserves, sauces, soups, and Russian cabbage slaw (yes, she is Russian, so tell her привет, "pree-vyet" which is "hi".)

You might find a small farm near you -- check out Local Harvest and Eat Wild and support your small local farmer while you eat good food.

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