Primal Vegetable Recipes

Thursday, March 28, 2013

A Second Visit to Rose Paradise Farm

chard, cabbage, kale, spinach for $6! (I didn't include them in the picture,
but  3 doz eggs were another $9).
Don't worry, I am not going to write a post every time I go out to RPF, but I just got back with more produce and 3 dozen eggs. Before I start washing and blanching greens to put in the freezer I want to say once again what a great deal they offer on fresh-picked vegetables.  Look at the chard, cabbage, kale, and spinach I got today :)

Natalya was setting out broccoli seedlings in straight rows; the beets are coming along and might be ready on my next trip. Can't wait for the summer vegetables to start coming in, hopefully I'll get some of their tomatoes, carrots, strawberries and blackberries, squash, okra, and all the good stuff they will be raising.  (By the way, I didn't always cook with most of these vegetables, so I've been collecting recipes to put on this blog as I learn ways to prepare them.)

I like the way the RPH folks update their website each week to let buyers know what's available. This week there's cabbage, collards, kale, chard, spinach, parsley, and green garlic.

Unfortunately there was no more romaine lettuce (too bad for me) as we've eaten all I bought there last week, but I am starting to get some more baby lettuce off and on from my raised-bed garden. Doing without romaine is just an example of eating food that's in season, locally grown and therefore picked at the peak of taste. In a week or so, the market on Broadway will resume, and that will contribute more vegetables, fruits, and local honey to our meals. 

Thanks to all the people who work so hard to raise healthy food! 

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